Meet the team

James Power
Principal Chiropractor & Owner

As a qualified Chiropractor, ART therapist (Active Release Techniques) and passionate runner, with over 15 years of experience, James specialises in treating sports injuries and muscular problems while reducing the chances of their recurrence. He has experience working with all sorts of athletes, from gym goers to elite athletes.

Thomas Farrell

Thomas graduated from the Anglo European College of Chiropractic in 2017.

“My passion for health means I am incredibly focused to encourage my patients towards
wellbeing and to lead a healthier life alongside the improvements that chiropractic care can offer.”

Marek Gibson

With over 20 years experience, as well as being exceptional at effectively treating neck and shoulder pain, Marek treats a wide variety of wrist, knee and ankle conditions.

In his spare time, you can catch him on the ball room floor, or taking his doggy out for long walks.

Charlotte Smith
Clinic Manager


Aarati Shrestha

Aarati is a fully trained singer, songwriter and also a part-time nanny. This lady has endless energy and is passionate about helping, teaching, learning and singing!

With her warm welcoming smile, be sure to say hi when you pop into clinic!